Firefox Browser For Android Latest 2020 Premium

We use many search engines and web browsers nowadays and always keep our privacy and data in sideline putting it in danger. So, resources team have decided to review an app which is totally based on privacy - Firefox Preview.
As the name suggests It is the preview/early access app for Firefox for android. This app is mainly for developers, early adopters and Firefox fans. This app is most secure and Independent app of the others existing Firefox browsers.
You can just focus on your work without worrying about any privacy or security issues while working online. This app automatically find and blocks numerous trackers from the time you launch it till you leave. It have all speed, privacy and simple features a user expect from a browser.
Features 📜
🌟 Early updates of features that you use in the main Firefox browser.
🌟 The app is powered by GeckoView which makes it 2 times more faster than previous versions of Firefox.
🌟 Its online track and block feature always keeps your privacy at top.
🌟 Make and share tasks across all your devices and be more organised than ever with Firefox preview.
🌟 The track, block features can be customised according to your preference.
🌟 The URL bar is placed at the bottom to make your browsing more efficient.
Pros ☑️
🔺 Early access to new features.
🔺 Control Your security and privacy with a single tap.
🔺 faster and efficient web browsing.

Limitations ❎
🔻 Sync does not work very well.
🔻 No home button (can be annoying for some users).

My Opinions 📰
My overall experience using this browser is great! This browser is amazingly fast than other Firefox browsers and the page load time is very impressive. The ergonomics are simple and straightforward. Most of the time It felt faster than chrome and opera browsers. Its UI is very simple and eye-catching. The dark theme feature is also very good and is not available fully on apps like chrome presently. I personally liked this app from Mozilla, You guys should also give it app a try and taste a new flavor of browsing on your phone.

Download - Google Play Store

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